Paul Valcke GUPDA Poster bibliography

Industrialized anthropic forces are physically destabilizing the earth system.

  1. Destabilisation of the earth system :
    1. climate (
    2. biodiversity (IPBES (2019): Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. E. S. Brondizio, J. Settele, S. Díaz, and H. T. Ngo (editors). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. 1148 pages.
    3. Ressources
      1. Schaffartzik, A.; Mayer, A.; Gingrich, S.; Eisenmenger, N.; Loy, C.; Krausmann, F. The globa metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010. Global Environmental Change 2014, 26, 87–97. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.03.013.
      2. Graedel, T.E. On the future availability of the energy metals. Annual Review of Materials Research 2011, 41, 323–335.
  2. The nuance in the role of each country
  3. Humanity always impacted their environment,, yet without necessary damaging it : (

We are destroying natural buffers with irreversible impact in the short term.

  1. Tipping points

We need to identify the main causes and levers of change, towards a just transition that avoids all collapses.

  1. The cause of nature destruction and inequalities share the same roots, Laudato Si’
  2. Limits to growth

Fast, strong systemic changes in our organisation are needed both for mitigation and acclimation.

  1. IPCC third group
  2. Stranded assets risk

Classical economic theoretical constructions show their limits due to their theoretical core, especially for coupling

We build alternatives based on complexity modelling and dissipative systems, closer to biophysical structures

Definition of complexity

The definition of environment

The definition of justice



Limits to growth

Goodwin Model

Debt, climate abbatement

Refined model

Multiple sectors
