
Workshop Spotlight: Fields-WICI Math for Complex Climate Challenges Workshop

On Monday, May 1st, through Thursday, May 4th, Dr. Gaël Giraud will present at the Math for Complex Climate Challenges workshop, held at St. Jerome’s University Academic Centre, University of Waterloo. You can learn more information about the workshop below.

Building on two successful Fields Mathematics for Climate Change (MfCC) workshops held last year, The Fields Institute is partnering with the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI)  to organize a hybrid (both in-person and virtual) 4-day workshop titled “Math for complex climate challenges”  at the University of Waterloo from May 1-4th, 2023. The workshop seeks to bring together climate researchers and applied mathematicians (broadly defined) to identify major Canadian climate policy and research challenges for which additional state-of-the-art and emerging mathematical methods would add value—in short, to match mathematicians with skills and interest and climate researchers with applied problems. 

The workshop also aims to:

  • Serve as a “soft launch” for the developing Fields Mathematics for Climate Change (MfCC) Network
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary cross-communication and fertilization in select climate research and mathematical methods topics
  • Identify researchable questions where collaboration would add value 
  • Lay the groundwork for one or more large interdisciplinary distributed research network proposals

Our preliminary program plans to pair instructional sessions on key aspects of climate research and mathematical methods that support them for the mornings of the first three days.  Afternoons will include break-out sessions with topical flash talks followed by research question brainstorming.  Each session will have complementary climate research and math methods flash talks. The morning of Day 4 will host three research-planning workshops, based on emergent topics from the research brainstorming sessions.